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Take-A-Break Toddler Group

This is our lively toddler group for 0-4 year olds and their carers. We run two sessions on a Tuesday morning during term time from 9:15 – 10:30am and from 10:45am – 12.00pm. Each week there is free play, a craft based on our theme, a book corner, baby area, outside play area and more. We also have a snack time with plenty of tea and coffee for the grown ups followed by singing and maybe a story.

Take-A-Break Childminder’s Group

This is a group for local childminders and their children. We meet on a Wednesday morning from 9:30am – 11:30am during term time.

Take-A-Break Mums and Babies Group

Our mums and babies group meets on a Thursday morning from 10:00am – 11:30am. It is very informal and a great place to meet and chat with other mums over a cup of coffee and some cake.

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A few pictures from Take-A-Break:

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Kendal Road Baptist Church Kendal Rd, Longlevens, GloucesterGL2 0NB
01452 520 752

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